Yes, I am well familiared with the 12-step model. I have participated in such groups. Like anything else, it could be modified to include parcopresis. Support groups are not a cure-all, but they are an avenue for sharing common I live close to where N.J.,N.Y., & PA meet at the Delaware River. People who live in New York City, or lower New York State could meet me at Middletown, or Port Jervis, N.Y. for a meeting. The highways (esp. Route 84 is easy to access. In fact, Route 84 East goes through Connecticut, as well as passes Westerly into Pennsylvania----just look at a map.) In addition, Route 80 in northern New Jersey goes from New York City throughout I am already restarting the N.J. IPA Paruresis group this Saturday, July 29th near Dover, New Jersey, just off Route 80 at the Rockaway Townsquare Mall. We will "practice" urinating in public bathrooms of all types. We will start on a montly basis, unless there is interest in meeting more often. I would be willing to start a Parcopresis group (two or more persons) at the same location on a different day once a month as well. It can follow the 12-step type model, or actually function as a "practice " group. Since it would only meet once a month, an hour or two (or more) of driving to the location would not be unreasonable. I think people from all four states N.Y., N.J., PA., and Conn would benefit. Since this would be a unique group and addresses a real need, people would hopefully be motivated to come. (Keeping in mind that this is not a therapeutic group, but a loose gathering of individuals supporting one another in making any small gain possible. I would be just another parcopretic who is working on his own recovery.) Phobic and addictive reactions are somethings we developed over time. We've learned to avoid some unpleasant things, and gravitate toward those things that If you want a better picture of what this group might do, let me know. Marty
concerns, referencing a Higher-Power.
N.J., and straight into Pennsylavania as well.
give us pleasure or security. By banding together, we might think of ways to lessen our anxieties, and to practice more appropritate responses in a public or private bathroom situation. Just like we do on this Message Board. (For those who see professional therapists, and are in treatment, they should consult them first.)
Only individuals 18 years or older would be invited to the meetings.