great to hear from you connie! book idea sounds fab! i've had people write into the mail box before saying that i should write a book about this so that more people out there know that it exists as a condition (including the guy who wrote the shy bladder book). the only thing that's held me back so far is that it would be a book describing the condition very well, but it still as yet lacks the magic bullet of effective graduated exposure that the paruresis book has. this is not to say that there aren't various techniques out there for helping with shy bowel that have been uncovered by people using this site, or that people can't use cognitive tools to reframe their thinking around pooping (and this could be done with people in the phobic situation); just that i haven't experienced the same dramatic results on my shy bowel that i did when using graduated exposure on shy bladder.
still, like marty says, we need to move forward on this. let me know your thoughts on what i've written.
everybody's testimonials belong to the individuals so you would need to contact them individually.