But not lazy enough! I’ve written an outline and started in on a few sample chapters, but the real “meat and muscle” will come from actual testimonials. Personally, I hate self help books written by some stuffy professional who has ‘helped’ individuals with the problem he or she is writing about. I feel more comfortable (and confident) with self-help books written by people dealing and coping with the problem he or she is writing about. Maybe it’s just me. I’m starting a business, all; so don’t expect this book to be completed in 2006. Maybe even 2007 is stretching the limits of my availability. 2007/2008 I would like to have an outline which I would like to first post here at this site for you all to review (if that’s OK). Then I’ll be heading into the murky and fetid waters of the publishing world to see what they think. I’ll laugh out loud if I get a rejection letter that reads, “This is crap!!” :O I’ll definitely keep you posted -