Hi Baz, its been an awful long time since I have been on-line (remember we did meet up in London) where are you living now? Lots of things have been going on in my life but suffice to say that my poo phobia still has a hold over me but I manage - like all of us. Am definately up for a workshop as I think it would be good to meet up with fellow sufferers. I saw a hypnotherapist for about 3 months recently - it was a complete waste of time and money to be honest but maybe he just wasn't the right person for me. He basically said that whatever it was that my unconscious mind was protecting me from by not allowing me to have a poo with anyone around, was so great that I just would not allow him to access whatever it was through hypnosis - I wonder if that was a cop-out! Dietary wise I am on the no wheat, no dairy and no sugar diet and it has made my stomach a lot less bloated with IBS symptoms. The other thing I wanted to say was my partner who now lives with me is so open about having a poo and can go literally anywhere it really does make me realise how phobic I am about this.I also feel quite jealous that he can get an urge to go and go anywhere he wants in a matter of minutes - he is so lucky. Better go, but will be back soon. Saz