I'm 16 now, and I had this for several years, but it has really limited my actions in social life on later years. These problems I have; afraid of farting, make sounds from the stomach, going to public bathrooms, afraid of people eyeing me and hearing me when going to the bathroom... This has really affected me and has come to the point where my life is controlled by this. I can't go to my friends right after school because i have to go the bathroom, I can't have a boyfriend, I can't go to other countries as an exchange student, I can hardly go to school anymore, I can't do anything!! I can't do what i want because i have both parcopresis, a little paruresis and aguraphobia. I often think of killing myself because i'm so unhappy and it feels like i'm never gonna get over this. Thanks for reading, i think i wrote more than i intended to, guess i have to let it all out. *sighs deeply* PS. Just to make sure, I hope you understood my rather poor English.
As a start, I also think I suffer from agoraphobia. When I have to go to public bathrooms, mainly in school (which i hardly do anymore), I think that everybody sees me and notice me when I go in and out of the bathroom. I think that they have listened outside the door and whisper about me behind my back. Some people I've talked to about this has said that I only imagine it, but i think not. It has come to the point that I have stomach aches on a daily basis and that i'm now constipated. i've been eating... how do you say it? so called constipation powder, which is suppose to help me not being constipated anymore. it says on the description that it only takes 1-3 days to solve it, but i have now used it for more than two weeks and it hasn't done shit (no pun intended).
Being constipated also results in having gas, my stomach gets all big and swollen and i have to wear pants that are to big because or else my stomach will hurt. I'm also very afraid to cause noises from the stomach. It's not farting, but it has a similar sound, it's sort of a mixture between fart-sound and the sound you make when you're very hungry. And because i'm so aware of this i have to concentrate reallly hard to not make any sounds, which gives me even more stomach aches.
I can't go to public bathrooms, and sometimes not even at home when my family is there or we have guests. And if i do go to the toilet when people are nearby, it has to be really noisy outside so that you can't here anything. And i can't use the trick with running water from the tap, because then i think that people will know that i try to cover the sounds and that's also embarrassing.