What a relief lol to hear about others in the same situation as myself. i avoid staying at people's houses and avoid getting into relationships because of the exact problem you mention of there coming a time when you stay overnight need to go the next day but can't.I've also got IBS type problems from this problem developing when I was teenager in college. Not getting up in time to go properly before setting off or the toilet being occupied by someone else.Not daring to go at morning break and almost bursting in class till lunchtime. I think I did internal damage through that and though I've had a rectocoele operation it hasn't really worked. I think I was made to feel very self-consious as a child and also was ridiculed. I'm naturally very lonely now in middle age.
A book I've come across recently is The Highly Sensitve Person ' by Elaine Aron. i've found it very useful in explaing myself . i'm also very sad because there's a man I realy like but am too reticent to approach him because of my problem.
hope this helps some of you