Thanks for the replies. Its defiantely a viscious circle of getting anxious etc. When im at home, im all good, no worries whatsoever. i can even go a few days without needing to go to the bathroom (no.2) and have no squables about it. Although i do prefer to go every day, keep regular bowel movements. But as soon as i know i have to go out someplace, i start getting anxious, and that in turn makes my stomach go a lil weird... then i worry more and it gets worse. I think its mostly because of a few bad experiences in the past regarding this.. so now i guess my body has been trained to get anxious in certain situations. Ive just got to "reprogram" myself. Been doing a bit of reading on how to do this, but its a long way away i think.
On a better note the previous night that i went out was fantastic. I guess because i was so distracted with meeting all the old friends i wasnt thinking about the bathroom and hence didnt get anxious. Tonight is another night out and im already feeling a little anxious.. god i hate feeling like this. Anyway, im gonna go out and have a great time and see how things go.
Cheers everyone.