I am new to this website having just been told about it by my therapist. I was so relieved to learn other people suffer from this affliction and that I am not alone! Reading other people's stories has proved most informative and useful. It is good to see how you are all dealing with your issues. I myself have suffered from this (shy bowel movement) most of my life and I am just nearing my 34th birthday. It was not until a few months ago that I sought professional help and since seeing my therapist I am taking baby steps in improving my anxiety levels. I look forward to the release of the book... Best wishes,
I can relate to what others have said: how it restricts what you can do, preventing you from going on hoiday with friends, sending your partner outside because you just tense up. At least I do feel comfortable discussing it with my partner. I remember when we first got together how I would hold off until I got home (back to my safe place!); so staying over weekends always prompted vast floods of stress & anxiety.
Congratulations to Baz for undertaking such a challenge, I for one couldn't even imagine being on a boat for now (well only if I was alone!!!) but it's all about little steps so never say never!