I wish I had heard this a while back when I started a thread asking, "Just how do each of you plan on overcoming shy bowel/bladder?" I got 1 reply... So, that leads me to ask: What work have you done to recover from parcopresis? I am currently working on paruresis with my girlfriend (and now "pee buddy" So, details about your shy bowel therapy would be very much appreciated! You're inspiring me to consider my dream of studying in Japan more seriously!!
, but she can't really help me with parcopresis because I cannot poop if she's there. I can pee if I have a minute or so to relax and if she is far enough away from me, but I can't just sit on the toilet and wait to poop. Does that make sense? I can pee without getting an initial urge, as long as I stand in front of the toilet long enough, but with pooping, I need solitude PRIOR to sitting on the toilet.