For me this problem comes up and goes. When I was in a sort of college long time ago, I developed it to a level, where it was really really uncomfotable. After I got out of there, it was managable. Sometimes I could even go in public toilets even if someone sat next to me, but never at someone else's house for example. At home, which is a flat-share, I had no problems, except if someone was standing right in front of the door.
Recently however problems begun. I had been stressed by extremely high amount of work, relationship problems, travelling. Stressed and exposed to being in public a lot, which stresses me too. So the problem came up again and now I got to a level where it's getting serious. I can not even poop at home. It's a flatshare. Noone is at home, but still, because I am thinking about it.
It's all very nice, this was the story in brief.
One very useful technique I use is: I set up certain times for the day, when I go to toilet. I don't care if I feel or don't feel like, I don't care if there is someone around or not. I just set up a time for myself for going and sittin there for 10 minutes and wait. If it comes it comes, if it doesn't it doesn't, I make no problem about it, but even if I succeed to go in 3 minutes, I still sit there for the dedicated time. I do it like 3 times a day, and the times are always the same. This works, but as soon as I try to go and make it at another time, because I really feel like, then I fail. And if I fail, it takes like 2-3 days to become being able to do it even at the dedicated times again. So using this technique is still uncomfortable, but at least better then nothing. I am thinking about developing this technique like I set up something like each day I can deverse from the dedicated time by 1 minute, or something. Whatever...
Any comments welcome. Thanks.