I've just discovered this site. Don't know if anyone will see this message as it's posted long after the original, but I think it's good just to write problems down.
My panic attacks started about 9 years ago. It started as a claustropobia thing where I always felt i needed to escape from social situations. I got worse and I could only go somewhere if i knew there would be a toilet near by. This developed into agoraphobia and a fear of being sick in public places. i went for a long course of acupunture and took chinese medicine which was amazing. I gradually faced my fears and began to lead a relatively 'normal' life again. since then I have had bad patches and have always struggled with forms of transport.
Over the last few years the problem has got steadily worse again. My fear of being sick has now developed into a fear of pooing myself in public. In the same way as others I am terrified in situations where I feel trapped or can't access a toilet.
I have just returned from a month long trip to Indonesia where I had to go on lots of long journeys. We paid lots of money for private cars, as I couldn't face buses. The journeys were only possible with Immodium and Lorazipam. I hate taking medication and know that it only masks the problem.
Now I am back I am going to try accupunture again as well as forcing myself to go on journeys and face my fear. I know that this helped last time so will keep people posted. If it doesn't work I will try CBT. Can't go on with this constant anxiety and excuses.