What I did:
First thing I did was tell my family (mum dad brother)
Second thing I tried was actually eating things like bran and drinking orange juice all the time
Then I told my girlfriend and she completttley understood saying that she was sllightly the same in a way and knew many ppl who had it.
The most IMPORTANT thing to do is to become entirley open. Sit there with ppl actually in the room/bath/ shower whatever, even if u dnt need to go. Even talk to them etc (kinda funny, tho my dad is very open when he goes!) The point of this is to actually act out your worst case scenario, ppl actually seeing you there. Also (might be diffucult) make noise without shame so everyone can hear, allowing you to become comfortable and realise that NOBODY CARES IF YOU ARE GOING AS EVERYONE GOES!!
Also, never think about not going or how you might feel, be happy and beleive that you have the opertunity to go 24/7 if you want to.