I have just discovered this website and thought I would post a message.
I am a sufferer of shy bowel. I've had it for as long as could remember and it effects my job currently since the new building I am at it is very high traffic bathroom. It is impossible for me to go and I end up having to drive somewhere close by to use a public locking private restroom, then drive back to work.
Usually I go to the bathroom at home but once in a great while I have to go at work. How I have been dealing with this over the years in the beginning my first few jobs had private locking bathrooms. Next job I was able to use a public bathroom on another floor where that part of the building was vacant. My current job I drive to a place close by that has locking bathroom like a gas station or a subway restaurant. I have been doing this for years.
I hate living like this. Is there anything I can do? Any suggestions?