"Avoidant personality disorder is a mental health condition in which a person has a lifelong pattern of feeling very shy, inadequate, and sensitive to rejection."
I do not identify with it much, il looks more as if other people do not fit in with me very much.
I tend to have a higher level of awareness then average, so I can only act as if... to fit in with society's cultural reality and norms.
Most people through socialization incorporate the cultural reality, customs and traditions of others. But they seem to be unaware of the fact that the reality they perceive and share was constructed from the outside of themselves.
I am quite aware of this process of socialization, so naturally I do not believe, identify or incorporate external realities.
Philosophers share my difference, which allows them to deconstruct and analyze cultural realities.
I have an internal intuition that guides me and overruns external attempts to manipulate my perception of things.
Hence there is some truth in my feeling antisocial and unsafe in society.
Not to forget that society has several powerful agencies of social control to keep conformity: media, religion, military, police, finance control agencies and ultimately goverments to keep people checked and unaware.
Can parcopresis be just a symptom of this living in an unsafe and dangerously unaware society?