Thought I would pop in and say hi - I've suffered from shy bowel for a couple of years now and it only seems to be getting worse. I also have IBS (which makes it incredibly uncomfortable not being able to poo, seeing as pooing provides relief from the pain and discomfort of IBS). I also have Pelvic Floor Dyssynergia - I suspect I developed this because of the Parcopresis. For anyone that doesn't know, Pelvic Floor Dyssynergia is when the muscles of your anus contract at the exact point in time when they should be relaxing. This was diagnosed by my Gastroenterologist and I then underwent a 3 month program of Biofeedback (where you are re-trained on how to use and relax your anus muscles and how to more effectively push out a poo without straining). This was awesome and really really helped me. HOWEVER, now that I once again have taught my body the physical side of things, I am left with the fact that, mentally, I still can't seem to go unless I am at home where I feel "safe". So it is back to the Psychiatrist I go, to hopefully address this with CBT and see if I can't make some changes. Anyway, just thought I would leave this here in case it does in any way help someone else It really is a shit condition to be stuck with, especially in combination with IBS! Much love shy poopers xx