I'm so glad i found this site. I think i can put a name to this condition which is having a huge impact on my life. This condition has me phiscally and mentally drained. And its getting to the point where i need to do something about it or else. I have been seeing a pyschiatrist for the last year on and off. I don't think she really gets it. She thinks it's something to do with letting go and maybe shes right to an extent. I do know it is some sort of anxiety disorder. I do a ritual as part of trying to go to the toilet. In a strange twisted way i get pleasure in holding onto to my shit pardon the pun!The feeling is comfortable. I finally went for a shit this evening after 3 days! I can be constipated for up to 4 days sometimes. I did try acupuncture and chinese herbs which did help a bit but still did the ritual. I would just love to go for a shit like a normal person. I would love to find out if there is some sort of support group out there. I would love to meet other similar people. I would even be interested in setting up a support group. This condition is a very lonely one as it's very hard to explain to people. I'm based in Dublin, Ireland. If theres any other Irish out there, please get in touch. Any advise/help is very welcome! Hope i made some sort of sense from a very tired Irish man!!!