I have a number of odd symptoms and I'm trying to understand whether they can be associated with parcopresis, as I want to rule out any potential physical issues. For instance, I often feel like I haven't gone to the bathroom for days, with a sensation of blockage on the left side of my stomach. Gas barely passes, and when it does, the smell is really bad. When gas can't escape, I experience sharp pain. The worst part is that I can't poop if there are people in the same house. I can only go while being completely alone in the house, but my bowel movements are still always incomplete. I very much relate to what you've mentioned in the post - even if I'm alone, I worry about any other potential distraction.
Moreover, I've lost about 15 kg. I've been starving myself to feel more comfortable during the day, and I now realize how much harm I've done to my body over the years.