Posted by Scott on 10/20/2004, 7:22 am, in reply to "TAKS"
Even if your daughter is not able to pass your State's 4th grade writing test this would not automatically cause her to be labeled "special ed.". But it is possible that not passing the test could result in a referral for a special ed evaluation. If this happens it is because the school is very concerned about your child's education and is looking for appropriate services which will help her. A special ed evaluation may or may not lead to a recommendation of special ed services. Even if such services are recommended, the parent has the right to accept or refuse these services. Private schools frequently accept special education students but do not necessarily provide any special education services. Such services could be provided by or at least monitored by the local public school. If your child is really struggling she deserves to have her needs evaluated in order to have access to appropriate educational services. My advice would be for you to allow her to take the test.