Posted by lena on 6/30/2005, 3:17 am, in reply to "
Does dyscalculia apply when a student (with numerous mostly language-based but also motor skill-related deficits) has a reasonable grasp of arithmetic but CANNOT (despite endless tutoring, repeating the class, regular parental assistance at home, etc.) master basic algebra? My son has struggled with algebra since 8th grade & is now a college freshman who has twice in the last school year failed remedial algebra. It seems it is no longer possible to progress in even community college without mastering math to the College Algebra level, regardless of one's major. As a math avoider & Mensan (HA! Lotta good that's done!!) I graduated from a lower tier 4 yr college with a D in College Alg.; I was also admitted to graduate school years ago, despite very poor GRE Math results (but great Verbal!) I'm very depressed about my son's situation & any advice would be greatly appreciated!