Posted by Scott Crouse on 10/9/2005, 2:39 pm, in reply to "IEP"
Since special education services are based upon federal IDEA legislation, a child who is eligible for services in one state should be eligible for services in another state. However, since states are given a certain amount of flexibility in the exact criteria which is used to determine eligibility there are situations in which a child could be eligible in one state and not in another. If the new state has any reason to question the child’s eligibility for special education services based upon their state criteria they can reevaluate to determine eligibility. Generally the new state will honor the previous IEP until the reevaluation can be completed. If you have reason to believe that there may be a question about your child’s eligibility it would be a good idea to obtain additional documentation or letters of support from special education staff at your son’s current school to clarify the reason’s they feel he is eligible for special education services.