The short answer is "yes" he certainly may have executive functioning difficulties and/or issues related to dysgraphia. Executive Functioning tends to be a "catch all" term which can quite easily be applied to anyone who is struggling to function in their daily lives. So I wouldn't really recommend pursuing assessment regarding his executive functioning skills. The problems you describe sound to me like typical sequential processing (left brain) issues. Although for most students such processing issues typically impact reading decoding/fluency as well as written expression, gifted students are often able to compensate well enough to mask the reading struggles while the writing difficulties tend to be more pervasive. My advice would be to seek a special education evaluation from your local public school to clearly evaluate the significance of his difficulties. You might want to also review the information provided on this web site related to sequential processing. You may also want to try the free online CPI rating scale which may provide some insight into his processing style. Good luck. |
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