Thanks for your inquiry. Many schools are currently using the FBA Profiler as part of their RTI progress monitoring. For the current version, progress monitoring is accomplished by simply comparing current ratings with prior ratings. We are also in the final stages of developing a brief 30 item screening version intended specifically to screen and monitor progress on groups of students (class, grade, school, etc.). This version will have somewhat more efficient progress monitoring options built directly into the program. As for evidence supporting the tool's benefit, that is a bit difficult to objectively measure since the instrument is primarily intended for evaluation and identification rather than intervention. That being said, in a validation study which established high correlation with other behavior rating tools, the participants (school professionals utilizing both the FBA Profiler and BASC-2) were asked to provide their professional opinions regarding the overall comparative utility of the 2 instruments. Of the professionals who noted a preference, 96% preferred the information provided by the FBA Profiler with only 4% preferring the information provided by the BASC-2.
Comparative data