CC doesn’t even play and they’re rent free in your head. Think about something other than softball for once, like brushing your teeth or going to work, I know you’re not use to those things but give it a try.
Heard Gilbert’s and Circle City bailed cause there were some D teams playing.
Could of had a few more teams if you weren't running it together. I know of a few teams that decided not play because of that.
1) this tourney is sanctioned as nsa for insurance purposes but I am running my own rules for it. Neither Kimmel or Hagy will have any thing to do with the running of the tourney
2) I do t have a problem with usssa. I just do not prefer it. I have laid out in the past why I prefer one association over another.
3) the bracket is shown on the tourney listing as being out tonight. I'm sure that will happen
I did reach out to people about running this as usssa or one nation as well
Shocked Foltz let this stay up. BBB always talks shit about USSSA and is huge NSA dog wagger.
Got the NSA bracket yel, BBB.
And unlike me Brad will pay it out.
To be fair there are 9 teams now. Not near the numbers I was hoping to get. However, the reasoning for driving an hour and a half would be the $2000 I am guaranteeing to the winning team.
Who wants to drive 1.5 hours and play in a 5-6 team toirnament...
Especially one that qualifies you for nothing.Sound familiar, big feller.
It means some hater has nothing to say ,so they just spit out whatever stupid crap they can think of. Don’t worry about them just do you Scotty P ( quoting the movie The Millers)
I don't know what zipper weasel means. I would play usssa if I were asked to. I am trying to get away from running teams
So u play zero usssa and come on a usssa board to advertise.
Sound like another zipper weasel to me.
That was the hope but nsa scheduled a state during the week of the Haynes so my tourney is not affiliated
Is this replacing the Haynes Apperson?