Sure, he may have “asked” for it, or even deserved it when it comes to the street. But real life and legality sake you can walk into anyone’s face as much as you want as long as you aren’t assaulting them while you do it…
If you get assaulted for doing that, then the person doing the assaulting is at fault and would get 100% of the penalty from a legal standpoint.
ISP ain’t the streets and there is nothing else they could do more fairly than what they did.
When you get pushed outta someones face and then walk right back into it your asking for what ya get. Learn to listen and stay outta people's face. Dude that got hit was the one who started it all and yet crickets.
Talking shit happens every 10 seconds in softball. It does not typically result in getting your face pummeled by a kid half your age. If someone gets suspended for talking shit, there would be no players left after 1 night.
One get suspended indefinitely for defending yourself. The others both approached him and get nothing. But apparently isp and whoever in charge just makes their own rules up as they go. Suspend both party's make it right