Weather Pro-C Bumped
Cedar- merging with J&L with some RoofX guys
Baum to Juno - False
OsC coming back to D - maybe in ON,Fleming & Archer C Elite in UTrip
Wade Law- TBD
TSC- Going back to D- maybe in ON Bump to C in UTrip
Gilbert- is C everywhere now except WSL
Dad Bods- Done, never play D. - duh
Colunbus turfin- Adults will never get to play there.- True
Clermont turfing- Adults will never get to play there.- True
USSSSA E World may go to Panama- Good move
Clark Concrete may play C- May have to , 2 straight D state championships
Buffet Boys will find a place to play D- Who?
Brad Vandy moving back to Indy- let’s hope not.