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Because some of us don’t make SLOW-PITCH softball our entire personality or life like the majority of you bozos. It’s a reason for 10-12 friends to get together and play a competitive sport. I can guarantee we have more fun, win or lose, than any team in the state. Getting bumped to C, for no logical reason, ruined the game for us. There’s no C division in the state so it takes away our ability to get together locally and play. We got guys that have newborns, kids, and jobs that they prioritize (rightfully so) over this HOBBY. We don’t play the game to see how high of a level we can go, we play for fun. We’re not delusional, we know what level we should be at. We’re all getting older and know our limits, C level just isn’t it, BUT if we had been bumped for an actual reason, like placing in a certain percentage, we wouldn’t bitch about it and we wouldn’t be here right now… We tried to play C this year with an almost identical roster to the year before and we saw how that went. We added 0 new players again for the third straight year, that right there tells you what our priority is.
Sooner or later I hope you guys realize that all the shit you win in this hobby will mean absolutely nothing. We care more about our friends and family’s more than this and I hope some day you guys get your priorities straight. Previous Message
Indiana is only State that I know with teams/players that gets bump and then want to appeal. If you are not trying to move up why play. Previous Message
We finished tied for 7th (3-2), in a 41-team world tournament. That's not top 10%.
We did finish 22-11 in class 2023, but there's no rule that states a certain win% means you'll get bumped. D teams from other states with much better in class win% than ours were not bumped. Previous Message
Finished in top 10% at a world or nationals And won over 67% of their in division games in 2023. They should have appealed last winter , if there was a mistake. Previous Message
What are the grounds for bumps? And what did they do that qualified for one Previous Message
UTrip just bumps random teams all the time .You must either play with them or are retarded, or both. Unbiased person would see they belong in C. Previous Message
They did nothing to get bumped in the first place. You either don’t like the guys or you are retarded, maybe both, but an Unbiased look into it you can see they should not have been bumped. Previous Message
No, they really don’t. You Play your way back to D, not cry your way back. Previous Message
CC has a chance and a legitimate argument Previous Message
CC and TSC are pre denied. Previous Message
Let’s see em