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CC was bumped when they shouldn’t have been in terms of the rules. That’s a being said with the roster they had, they were easily the best team in terms of talent and meshing together. If they ever wanted to concentrate solely on softball, they probably could have reached the A/B level. Does that mean they should play C? Maybe. They would definitely be competitive if they wanted to work at it.
But as has been stated many times, that was never their goal and they were never going to take it as seriously as most people on this board. Without an actual reason (other than the eye test) they should still be D. Previous Message
Ha, haven’t taken it seriously for awhile ED. Maybe some viagra will fix that ED and your mood, Bozo. Previous Message
I seen you play before. You be serious so you can stop acting like it's for fun. Previous Message
You can't find it, because there wasn't one. Previous Message
Look it up yourself, genius Previous Message
What world tourney did they place top 10% at? Where in the rule book does it say “if you win 67% of your games, you’ll be bumped”.. cute your sources, pimp Previous Message
Finished in top 10% at a world or nationals And won over 67% of their in division games in 2023. They should have appealed last winter , if there was a mistake. Previous Message
What are the grounds for bumps? And what did they do that qualified for one Previous Message
UTrip just bumps random teams all the time .You must either play with them or are retarded, or both. Unbiased person would see they belong in C. Previous Message
They did nothing to get bumped in the first place. You either don’t like the guys or you are retarded, maybe both, but an Unbiased look into it you can see they should not have been bumped. Previous Message
No, they really don’t. You Play your way back to D, not cry your way back. Previous Message
CC has a chance and a legitimate argument Previous Message
CC and TSC are pre denied. Previous Message
Let’s see em