Are you talking to yourself? 🤔 Previous Message
Bud you care enough to take the time out of your day to sit here and talk to me. Previous Message
When you say You all ,you mean you. No one else cares. Previous Message
I don’t need to talk about myself clown 🤡
Yall talk about me enough. Previous Message
You are the only one posting ,you strive to be noticed.
Get professional help .Talking to yourself is not healthy.
Clown. Previous Message
While we’re here on the topic
Got 2 coed teams and a women’s team too
Clown Previous Message
Or some people don’t have the same outlook on softball like you. It ain’t always about winning and losing
It’s a ####ing hobby.
You clearly have a hate for me, maybe it’s bc I’m more successful in softball than you possibly ? Or maybe more successful in life than you ? Who knows what it truly is but I’m on your mind more than your girls. People like you is why my name is still relevant though on here, can never get enough of me. Bc it always the same 4/5 people I’m sure Previous Message
You are saying trash team if they are subs from other teams.
Typical Gard trying to make someone feel good Previous Message
Jesus Christ man this is comical. I do/don’t have a 2nd team though
It’s just a team for the guys who don’t get to play often, subs on old teams or just guys trying to get into the game and see what they can do with it.
Someone else will be running the team during the tournaments. Previous Message
It’s just Gard self promoting, sad very sad Previous Message
The pure amount of time Gard is on your brain is pretty creepy dude. Previous Message
What’s this you have a second men’s team now, can’t be worse than the first one