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You maybe right,still got to wonder if they do drop will they be allowed any C drops. Previous Message
Bundy played with pork pistols while they were C, if I remember correctly he was going to be a C drop in circle citys first year but moved out of state Previous Message
Bet he is still C, never played up so couldn’t drop back. Just a guess. Previous Message
My guess Bundy is D+ after an appeal. Hasn’t played anything other than a occasional 35+ the last 2 years Previous Message
Doubt they will allow a team to drop from C then add C players. Previous Message
Bundy a C drop? Previous Message
They better drop CC or they may not have a D division. JB3 , Hoosier Hall and Tiffany’s future in doubt and all. Previous Message
We aren't making any pickups of note, pretty much the same roster as last season. We want to play D because we want to be able to play in Indy, not that hard to figure out. Maybe 1-2 bigger tourneys out of state. We want what everyone else wants.
Even if we were to win our men's appeal, Cornstars were all auto-bumped to "MixC". So even if the men get reclassed to D, coed would still have to play C. Previous Message
If they win their appeal. Watch how when they win. They will all act like there the greatest "D" team ever. With that roster they are a legitimate "C" it's hard to figure out why they want to continue to play "D." Another reason is probably so Cornstars can rebrand drop back down and beat up on all the poor little coed teams. Previous Message
They ain’t about ball,unless playing D. That’s why Greene left. Previous Message
To say they played a year in c and didn't win anything is a reason to be dropped down a class is laughable. They won around 70 percent of their games in d the year before and then only played spring nationals and state in 2024. I would say it would be pretty hard to win anything playing very little Previous Message
Jeez this is dumb. The rule you posted is for appealing in the same year they got bump nationally. Circle city played all of last year in the C division, no matter how many tournament they played, and they didn’t appeal last year. They should be able to play D class this year as a team as they didn’t win anything last year while playing C class for one year and not appealing. Most of
You guys that are on a team that gets bumped up for the following year will disband your teams and play with someone else the following year to include you GARD! Like it or not Circle city took their mandated bump national and played where they had to and are appealing the right way. I know some of you losers don’t like and want a trophy for just showing up but they are doing it by the rules. Previous Message
Where does it say the state committee has to vote upon it. It’s states you must let your state director know your intention to file and the other states the state director must send to national office. Where does it state anywhere that a team appeal is voted on by state committee
Bc I can guarantee you, it’s not. Previous Message
Did you even read what you posted? Both go thru the State Director. Previous Message
Per Utrip:
Team Appeal:
National Bumps: The team manager must complete the Team Appeal form (which is attached to the website) after playing 4 events and having informed their State Director of their intent to appeal. Teams may only appeal from March 1st to July 15th. The two-page team appeal form must be filled out completely and the online roster must match the appeal form.
Re-Classification: Any local team that wishes to re-classify down must have their State Director send an email to the National Softball Committee with approval to drop. Committee will review and inform the State Director of their decision. Previous Message
Go ahead and tell me I’m wrong when I’ve went through the team appeal process, if your team is a national bump and you’re doing a team appeal it goes through national office.
I’m well aware of how both processes work. Previous Message
There is a state committee that votes on these appeals. If they deny them, they get denied. If they approve them ,they then get sent to Florida for further investigation . Previous Message
Also more knowledge for you since you’re clueless when it comes to this.
Team appeals do not go through the state at all.
Those are all national appeals through the national office and documents have to be sent in for it to even be possible and have a chance. And that process takes up to few weeks. Previous Message
Their appeal was approved by state committee and sent on to Nationals.for final approval. Previous Message
I hear Circle City has filed to play D, any word on that?