Camp grounds.
Posted by The druid
on 14/9/2015, 2:01 pm
Hello,got home yesterday from a week away down by Whakatane, we live at Papamoa, [not a long way to go] but sometimes the best is at your feet. We stayed three nights in the Ohope Top Ten. A real family camp ground with good rates at this time of the year, and right on the beach. Fished two high tides for no reward. The long liners weren.t getting anything either. Drove down to Ohiwa for a look but that was the "wet" day. We came back up to Thornton Beach Camp, at the mouth of the Rangitaiki. Lots of white baiters, and unfortunately, lots of wind and weed. Lost a lot of line and end gear, so had to finish off the red wine and home brew instead. This is a really good camp, new owners since April, and again, good rates. Great situation for fishing, either K's in the river mouth, whitebait [not a lot] and handy to home. I can see us using the camp again, or even just driving down for a fish, 60k's from home.