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    To Old To Fish Archived Message

    Posted by charlie/manukau on 25/8/2007, 8:35 pm

    Statistics show that people who fish from boats catch more fish than those that fish from the shore.
    Boat fishermen average five hours fishing each trip and they catch fish 75 percent of the time.
    Shore,river and rock anglers average three hours fishing per expedition and catch fish only 55 percent of the time.
    Eighty-five percent of all anglers are men(so 15 percent must be women) and 25 percent of them are under 25.
    One surprising figure to come out of the survey was that only 5 percent of male anglers were retired,ie over 65.
    The motto seems to get your fishing done while there is still time-or else stay fit in old age.
    The reason most of the would be anglers over 65 gave for not going fishing was that they were no longer fit enough.

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