I am the National Championships Coordinator on the Executive Committee of the NZACA. My role as NCC, is .. I am the spokesperson on Nationals matters, I am required to lead a Nationals committee if and when required, in consultation with the Executive arrange and finalise locations and venues for Nationals at least two years in advance, along with several other administrative functions. I have been following the various postings on this forum and would like to say that I am definitely a listener and will take on-board any constructive criticism. In saying that my role as NCC is to attempt to find middle ground between all interested parties no matter what is up for discussion. As in all positions such as mine, I can't keep everyone happy all of the time therefore some people may not get what they want, that is a fact of life no matter what. I am happy to hear from anyone off this forum who has something of value that may help to build a better Nationals Championship over the years to come.