Where have all the beach fishers gone? I'm planning an early morning sortie to either Esk river mouth or Awatoto river mouth for a king ie or two. Early March always used to be good for Kahwai runs. What do other boarded think? Tight Lines, Philip Takapau
Re: Hb beaches
Posted by racepics on 24/2/2017, 1:47 pm, in reply to "Hb beaches"
There's been the odd Kingy caught at Awatoto as well as Esk. In fact you don't even need to go to the mouth itself. Right in front of the last carpark on Lequesne rd seems to be a good spot. Just burley up a storm and keep the liveys fresh. A few good fish been caught there this summer.http://www.paniasurfcasting.org http://www.surfcaster.co.nz
Re: Hb beaches
Posted by PhilipDannevirke on 25/2/2017, 11:14 am, in reply to "Re: Hb beaches"
Thanks Racepics for the detail. Might have a go next week. The water might be a bit cleaner. The whole bay looked dirty when I came back from Wairoa yesterday.Tight Lines, Philip Takapau