Hi, BOP folks, where do you get accurate tide times for Papamoa? Web sites tend to give the Pap. time as really Tauranga time. eg +40 mins. or Whakatane. Te Puke Times newspaper is ok but I never seem to have one at the time.
Re: Tide times
Posted by team breakaway on 19/5/2017, 8:32 am, in reply to "Tide times"
Posted by geno on 19/5/2017, 12:45 pm, in reply to "Tide times"
http://www.tides4fishing.com/nz look up Maketu ***********************************************************************************
We do not stop playing because we grow OLD... we grow old because we stop PLAYING.'
Re: Tide times
Posted by ABU Man on 26/5/2017, 4:53 pm, in reply to "Tide times"
Try this one, I have used it for years for Papamoa Beach. It is calculated for just west of Karewa Parade and is accurate. http://tidespy.com/OnePlace.php?p=3106