Went for a trip north not far from Wanganui - walked up the beach to the right just around the point and noticed there wasn't much swell between these rocks and the point set up my Abu Veritas 14'-6 and matched it with a Penn 525mag - knowing there was a southerly drift I cast my well presented bait to the right - wound in the slack and engaged the clicker and put the reel into free spool- not even 20min past and the reel started to scream - I had to slow the spool down with my left thumb while putting the reel into gear and after around 5mins I caught this - my biggest snapper to date toped the scales at 16lbs 2oz .
Re: Ototoka
Posted by Mattman on 25/12/2017, 9:32 am, in reply to "Ototoka"
Re: Ototoka
Posted by Carl on 25/12/2017, 11:56 am, in reply to "Re: Ototoka"
What a great Xmas pressie, well done!Fishing in windy Welly.
Re: Ototoka
Posted by GaryK on 31/1/2018, 6:52 am, in reply to "Re: Ototoka"
Good one Matt. Have tried the same place again? The snapper don't know where the car park is! Sometimes it is better to travel than to arrive.
Re: Ototoka
Posted by Mattman on 4/2/2018, 8:17 am, in reply to "Re: Ototoka"
Yep - been back a few times two weeks ago and caught some good size snapper between 8-10lbs and a good eating Lemon shark & a few gurnards.
Re: Ototoka
Posted by GaryK on 21/2/2018, 6:56 pm, in reply to "Re: Ototoka"
Awesome results, good on you. The snapper don't know where the car park is! Sometimes it is better to travel than to arrive.