Yeah. Pagans and whatnot. I don't know the details. I can just look it up on Wikipedia, of course. But I believe that Christmas was originally a pagan festival. I don't know which particular pagans or what particular festival. But there were a lot of holidays around this time because people thought the world was coming to an end when it got colder and darker. That's why if you notice, most of the major holidays take place in the cold months. And actually Christmas trees come from the Norse pagans. There was a big evergreen tree that these Norsemen would worship and the Christians found the tree and cut it down. But the Christians were also trying to convert these followers of Odin and whatnot so they said, "You can bring your precious evergreen trees inside in winter if you believe in Jesus of Nazareth." So they converted a lot of Norsemen that way. Used what they liked (trees, nature, whatever) and made it part of Christianity. Naturally, nobody knows when Jesus was born. The holiday was created to replace pagan holidays, which were often in winter. You can't celebrate two holidays, after all. You have to choose. So these jerks put their made up holiday on the exact same day as some pagan holiday. Same with Easter. It was some pagan holiday for the harvest or whatever. So the Christians said, "Oh. Yeah. Did you know that Jesus rose from the dead on this day? What a wacky coincidence. Same day as your big harvest festival." If you'd like to learn more about the pagan origins of Christmas, consult your school library. So an email from my ladyfriend. She's coming on Wednesday evening. I asked her what kind of food she eats because she'll be arriving so late so restaurants will be closed. So I'll just go to Tesco before she arrives. She said those Indian onion things and samosas and whatever. I haven't had those samosas in a while but they were pretty good. I haven't had the onion things in a while either and those were okay but not nearly as good. I also asked what her juice preferences are. She said grape, pineapple, and cherry. I got grape juice the last time she was here, just by coincidence. Didn't know she liked it. I always get orange juice for myself. But yeah, the grape juice was great. As for pineapple, I've never seen this stuff. But she did like some orange-mango juice that I got so she must like these tropical beverages. I hate the mango stuff. Cherry, I'm pretty sure that doesn't exist. There's no cherry juice. She must mean like artificially-flavoured cherry Kool-Aid or whatever. In which case, yes, cherry is clearly the best flavour. So yeah, I'll go tomorrow. My food has lasted Christmas AND Boxing Day. And I made more of those potatos yesterday. I put all the remaining oil in it. They browned up pretty good. It was a decent meal. Not amazing. Much better than the semi-raw version, though. Also got an email from my sister. Said the the package arrived for my niece and she didn't like the tinned haggis. It was sort of a novelty gift. I also had a bunch of sweets in the box and money. She also sent a picture of my other niece with the Christmas Lego set that I sent. At first, I thought it was a picture of my sister as a child. I'll tell you what's really frightening. You know when you turn on your phone camera, the camera is facing you so you see a picture of yourself in the screen. I looked like my mother. My other niece doesn't look particularly like anyone in my family, though. Maybe that's the key. Find somebody sufficiently different from you. In this case, somebody from another race. So the prospect of having children with my ladyfiend isn't entirely doomed. You know, I was watching World's Strongest Man today. There's a guy who just deadlifted a bus or whatever. Actually, from what I saw, they seem to have gone away from those stunts. He was deadlifting a barbell with a bunch of weights on it. That's disappointing. Why are all the crazy events gone? Anyway, then this guy's girlfriend comes out. She looks okay. You know. Like somebody you might see working at Tesco. But small boobs, kind of plain face, stringy blonde hair. THIS is what the world's strongest man can get? And he looked happy with her. I mean, maybe this woman could get a date with Birmingham's Strongest Man. But the World's Strongest Man? It's ridiculous. Another great example of a guy dating somebody well below him. If you're the World's Strongest Man, you're a 10. This woman was a 6. I don't get it. Maybe they met on the internet. His profile: "Hey, I'm the World's Strongest Man". Her profile: "I work in Tesco and have two kids. I like beards." And that was the best he could get off of there. She still probably gave him one word replies as well. Maybe they have a lot in common or she has a great personality or something. I might be too shallow. Still really weird, though. If I'm the World's Strongest Man, I'm only dating big-titted 18 year old strippers. |
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