Speaking of stuff that my mother gave away, I had a talking Pee Wee Herman doll. I think you pulled the string and it said things. Pee Wee Herman was popular at the time and I enjoyed the Saturday morning show. The problem is that the neighbour boy who my sister babysat for liked this doll too. So my mother made me give it to him. I remember pleading and crying not to give it to him but she forced me. So I had to give a teary-eyed statement to this kid's mother that I was giving him the doll. She didn't even give a shit. Just looked at me weird. Didn't say "thank you" or anything. A few months later, the man who played Pee Wee Herman was caught masturbating in a porn theatre. This boy told me that his mother threw the doll out. I didn't even have this thing for long. A year maybe. Two years. It's also sad for that boy that his mother just threw it out. You know, I can think of another example of callous behaviour by that boy's mother in regards to her children's toys. He had a couple of orangutan figures that he got from Happy Meals. He brought them over to our house and was playing with them. Then as he's leaving, he forgot to bring them with him. The mother and our family knew that he forgot but she was trying to get rid of them. So as the car is pulling away, he puts his head out the window and yells "my monkeys!". My sister and mother had a good laugh about this. What happened to these primate toys? I think they were sent to my aunt who sold them in the market in Finland. Why is this funny? Where's the humour in taking a child's possessions? And it's all so pointless. These toys weren't taken to pay the mortgage. They were given away, thrown in the trash, or sold for literally pennies. I hope my bitch mother dies a lingering, painful death. This is the resentment one receives when you take a powerless child's possessions. As the good book says, "Whatsoever ye soweth, so also ye shall reap." Although, saying that, this boy, whose mother was at least as callous in regards to his toys as my mother was, grew up to be a man who actually invited his homeless mother to come live with him. And he posted a "comedy" gif of Spongebob cautiously hammering a nail with the caption "having sex when your family is home." So he doesn't seem resentful. People are just different. You shouldn't take your children's stuff. |
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