![]() Isn't paracetamol aspirin? Wikipedia says they're similar but different. You'd surely have to take loads of the stuff to overdose, but Google has "paracetemol poisoning" as the second most popular search term so maybe I'm wrong about all of this. I was thinking, he has access to the harder stuff, why not overdose on that? But I suspect that these aren't viable suicide attempts. It's obviously traumatic and all but there's not a quick fix to your problems. Your family needs to work with a whole team of psychiatrists and/or pscyhologists (like most everybody, I don't know the difference) and this isn't something that the NHS is likely to pay for. I suppose one solution is to simply move. Although, people have different levels of committment to one's family. One might not want to cause one's family, which is in a preternatural state of dysfunction, any further strife. On the other hand, it's perfectly normal for an adult to move out of childhood family home. It's abnormal for a man approaching 40 to still be living at home. I was living at home at my niece was about five, I guess, and it was sad to leave. But I'm an adult and adults move out and I don't have any responsibility to my niece or sister or mother. People always ask if I go back to the US much. I say I only went back once in 15 years and they're always surprised by this. My niece emailed me a couple of times over the years saying that it would be nice if I'd come to visit. And she emailed me recently some pictures of her and her cousins. I've never met some of them. The others, I only met three times at the most. And my niece is 20 now. She moved out the house. She's in university. Looking back, maybe I should have visited more. Try to create some positive memories. But I didn't. My uncle only visited once. My aunt never visited but we visited her twice, once as children and once as adults. I've never met my other uncle. I never met his children (my cousins). So this is just what happens. I spent way more time with my neices and nephews than my aunt and uncles did with me. And I don't blame them. They lived thousands of miles away and weren't wealthy people. I do some of these child custody cases and they'll talk about how the child misses seeing his cousins or aunts or uncles or whatever. But they all live in the same area. It's just that the mother has a dispute with the father so doesn't want the father to see the child, which has a knock on effect of the child not seeing the extended paternal family. So even if you live in the area, you very well may not see your extended family. And really, who cares? Aunts, uncles, cousins...this isn't important. The court certainly holds little evidential weight to the wishes of the extended family. As for Twitter, I have no idea what they do there. I thought that you wrote political shit there, not matters of a personal nature. This is the only Twitter that I regularly follow: https://twitter.com/thappers He recently posted after a long absence. It's just a link to a Guardian "journalist"'s comment about Theresa May or something. Here's my advice: don't get your news from tedious douchebags from Twitter. If you want news, go to, well, in this case you can just go to the Guardian website. I don't understand why people link to news articles on Twitter or Facebook or whatever. If we're interested in the news, we'll go to a news site, get the newspaper, or turn on the news on our television. You're not going to some buffoon's Twitter account for the news. So yeah, I never got into any of that shit. I don't understand the appeal. In today's world, that makes me some kind of weird guy. "Why don't you have Facebook? Everybody has Facebook." To be honest, the main reason that put me off all of that shit is the obligation to post pictures of yourself. But even the whole talking to people...classmates from 20 years ago and family and whatnot. Fuck that. I'm doing my own thing here. I'm not going to broadcast that I'm taking a shit or whatever. People would think I was crazy. So then it becomes that I have to moderate everything that I say. So then I'd end up just not saying anything. So why have a Facebook? It's like this kid who my sister used to babysit for. I see his Facebook. He's posting pictures of women with big titties and whatnot and then he comments, "Oh, I'd love to motorboat those" or whatever and his mother gives this comment a thumbs up. I could not imagine such an existence. Your mother does not need to know this. Why are you writing this on a medium that you know your mother uses? Why is she reading it? The whole thing is sick. In other news, checking out a property tomorrow. It's £700, which is luxury price for Glasgow but upon further inspection of the pictures, this doesn't look like a luxury property. The entrance is in an alley, it's right off a main streat (albeit a pedestrian street, so actually that might be okay) and it doesn't seem to have gas in the property. But I'll check it out. Maybe it will be amazing. And even if it's not, I can just offer, say, £650 and they can take it or leave it. I'm paying £625 for this dump. I've been here for only about a month but I'd really like to stick it to this cheap Jew landlady. It will mean having to pay Virgin an assload of money for early cancellation (most properties in Glasgow don't have access to Virgin) but it will be worth it. |
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