The police were here again over this idiot ringing all of the buzzers and banging on the door. I saw who it was. It was somebody from the neighbour across the hallway. There was a young man and a young woman. They were buzzing all of the doorbells for about 15 minutes and pounding on the door, then somebody must have let them in, and I saw them go into the flat across the hallway. This elderly woman who lives there let them in. Why she didn't respond to 15 minutes of buzzers and the door pounding, I have no idea. So the police came and did an investigation. First they thought it might be the neighbours downstairs. Not a bad guess, they're definitely scumbags too, but not the guilty party to this particular crime. And that no-class woman downstairs was not shy about protesting her innocence. "YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO DID IT!" Anyway, they actually ended up hauling some woman across the hall to jail. In handcuffs. I'm not even sure if it was the woman who I saw. It might have been. I assumed it was a young woman. The woman I saw in handcuffs was old but wearing a young woman's dress. And I was just looking through the peephole to get my information so it may have been her. So now, an hour later, some jackass is locked out again. But he's afraid to ring all of the buzzers and pound on the door because now he knows that the po po will come and take him away. So he's just yelling at this woman to try to get her attention. "JACKIE! JACKIE (surname)!!!" Jackie doesn't hear shit so that dumb motherfucker isn't getting in. It's like £3 to get a key cut. Wouldn't that be more sensible than having to ring all of the buzzers in the flat and pound on the door for up to an hour? Don't rely on this senile woman who doesn't hear anything to let you in. Anyway, the police never spoke to me. That's surprising. I could have confirmed who did it. |
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