I intentionally refer to that woman as "P Wang" to avoid this site coming up in Google searches. I don't want her Googling herself and finding the site. But I guess even though you know her name, you were unable to find her. It's a pretty common name, I guess. Wang, anyway. Not many people under under 70 are called Peggy these days. And how many are Asian? Anyway, I actually told her about this site once. This was after our disasterous meetup. I sent her an email under the guise of somebody else asking her for dirt on the Baron. She said he was a nice guy and felt bad about how things went but that he was really quiet. Like really quiet. Super quiet. Autism-level quiet. She didn't say that last part. As far as I know, she's still single. Must be about 35 now. And possibly lives in the Middle East. She locked down her Instagram so I can't see it any more but her LinkedIn is still public and she "likes" some Saudi prince. And there was something else that made me think that she's in the Middle East but I can't remember now. Oh, her Instagram is back. Yeah, she's in Dubai. She also travels a lot. She was in Spain and Portugal recently. Also goes to a lot of expensive places, it seems. People sometimes ask if she's living in Dubai now and what she's doing and she never answers. Near as I can tell, she's a prostitute. How else can it be explained? Since graduating from university 15 years ago, she's held a number of retail management jobs in small companies. How can she afford this lavish lifestyle on such a low income? How is she getting visas in Dubai for retail management jobs? She seems to be a very depressed person. Can you blame her? She's a 35 year old prostitute. How much longer can this last? And as I've said numerous times already, she's not even an attractive woman. She's not an attractive 35 year old and she wasn't an attractive 25 year old. Who's paying for this? If I'm in the market for a hooker, I'm not going to the 35 year old unattractive Asian woman. Not even if I'm in Dubai. And as far as I understand, Dubai has a vibrant prostitution scene. So...how is she getting work? Who's paying for this? So I don't know. Good luck with it. I'd imagine that she's going to kill herself within the next five years. I don't say that as a joke or to be cruel, that's my honest assessment. But yeah, fuck Twitter. Other than my defecation log, I've never used Twitter in my life. I don't read it and I don't participate. I have zero interest in that shit. My passion lies with the free speech one can only find at TIY - TMB. Some of that free speeching. I remember telling Crazy Lisa that I had recently been to "Speakers Corner" or whatever it is in Hyde Park. Where, at least historically, people would go, stand on their soapbox, and harrangue the multitudes. It was a symbol of free speech. So Crazy Lisa says, "I've been there and I never saw any free speeching." So I said, "Haha. 'Freespeeching'". Because I thought she was making a joke. No. She got offended. She thought that "freespeeching" was a real word, apparently. What a dumbass. What else? Well, I can give you an update on that law school. They now advertise themselves as the lowest priced school in the region. That's not saying much but they're really hyping their alleged low costs. Classic marketing. If you can't compete on quality, compete on price. It's still a shithole and negative reviews, many of which were based on my initial review, still feature prominently on Google searches. Search for the name of the school plus "review" and it's first page. Extremely negative reviews, based on a review that I wrote. It was some weird situation where I wrote a review and then some other guy slightly tweeked it and posted it all over the internet. It must have reflected his experiences too. People are suing these law schools now. Not the one I went to, as far as I can tell, but similar schools. People are pissed off. Sick of the scam. Here's an interesting article on the subject: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2014/09/the-law-school-scam/375069/ I'm pretty sure that it's me who popularised the word "scam" in relation to law school. My review used the word "scam" repeatedly and with a flourish. Now you see "scam" in relation to law schools all the time. There are now "scamblogs", for example, where people talk about low-ranked law schools. And many articles, including the one I linked to, talk about the "law school scam". Anyway, I'm happy to have done my part to raise awareness of the situation. Things really seemed to take off after my experiences. And people aren't going to law school now because they're aware of the scam. Enrollment is way down. Law schools are going out of business. And more broadly, there's talk in the US about forgiving student loans. There's a movement afoot. |
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