Clocking in machine
Posted by Andrew Windle on March 16, 2008, 4:40 pm
User logged in as UKAT1384
Andrew Windle
Hi all, can anyone out there help me with a relatively silly question really. I run a small but busy garage with my business partner and all though we run a very tight ship booking parts in and out, when it comes down to the labour it still comes down the good old favourite (guestimate), though this does work I feel that we are loosing out. Plus it also helps when explaining why the labour bill is what it is (It can wind me up when you get customers asking "£200/£50 labour") I introduced a manual time board a few week ago and it so far it has shown us 2/3 hours that didn't get booked out. As this has been such a sucsess I would like to buy a electric clock machine but this is where my problem is, with the normal work clock machines it will only let you clock in and out once in a morning and afternoon. I dont know about you lot but some time we can drop on and off a job a few times a day and these normal machines won't let you do that so how can I get round this or is there a special machine out there that will sort this problem out. Many thanks