Peter Mutlow
I used to be involved in schemes like this when I was in the RAF. Most bases had motor clubs where we could conduct routine repairs and servicing to our cars although some more proficient guys under-took more complex issues such as engine swaps etc. To my knowledge, I never heard of a mis-hap which I suspect is due to the fact that people who wanted to carry out their own repairs were sufficiently sensible and careful to ensure mistakes did not happen. Also there was sufficient pooled knowledge to overcome most problems. Ramps were also hired by the hour and if the job was protracted the vehicle was removed from the ramp to keep down costs and allow other members to use them. Ramps were therefore hired only when in use.
As I am mobile, I would not use such a facility because the jobs I under-take are not usually time-consuming and I find that inclement weather is not a problem unless there is a storm but in which case I would not be there in the first place.
In summary, I see nothing wrong with these facilities. A person who dangerously bodges cars doesn't have to be using these sort of places to do it. An incompetent diy-er can also be found under-taking repairs on the drive-way or by the side of the road and may have a better chance doing a decent job with a qualified or experienced pair of hands to call upon.
Pete M
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