Peter Warman - Administrator | Message modified by user Peter Warman November 17, 2010, 6:36 pm
The basics are as you would expect, clean workshop, reception area, adequate parking, admin area / office, oil storage facilities, restroom facilities etc etc
Euro Car Parts must be your first line supplier
Loyalty to the Bosch brand (parts ect)
Minimum of 2 Technicians
All other scheme signage removed to make way for AUTO CREW re branding, estimated cost £1500.00
Monthly fee of £100.00 for support, marketing, website etc
Must have Bosch KTS
Random audits by internal Bosch staff, mystery shoppers
Once they have some workshops signed up it will be launched on the public and a UK website
For any further info contact Tim McGing on 0785 407 7240 Network Development Manager
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