Re: Frank Massey Training course on CD Set Archived Message
Posted by Nev Smith on December 2, 2005, 9:59 am, in reply to "Frank Massey Training course on CD Set"
I would fully endorse what has been said so far. i have had frank come to my works for three days training, and been to his works s well.he talks our lingo, and knows how to put thing over so that we understand, we learnt s__t loads. this elearning backs all this up and is a great way to learn at your pace. and you can return to an item if you don't understand it first time round. as we get older it takes longer to inwardly digest.he also offers a technical bulletin series, (12 a year) and we have found this useful as he normally goes deep into a current system and you get all the results and testing procedures. On the Subject of price and where to buy, you can ONLY bye from Frank/Jean. Check the web site and ring them.