Link: Macclesfield MOT & Service Centre
What was the engine code on this vehicle?
If you selected the correct engine managment system in the menu then the options you get are all that are supported by that system as this is the original factory tool for pre-99 Volvo's after all.
Looking through the manual for this application then Mode 5 is the equivalent of monitor/live data on the older systems (some systems will display it as Monitor Test).
For your reference the modes used on the older systems are as follows:-
Mode 1 (doesn't exist - probably covered by Read/Erase DTCs menu options)
Mode 2 Confirmation of activation of components & functions
Mode 3 Cyclic activation of components & functions
Mode 4 Individual acttivation of components & functions
Mode 5 Read input & output signals
Mode 6 Enter data
If you don't have a copy of the Volvo manual then you should be able to find it on one of your Autodiagnos CDs in the Documentation folder. Its called ManualVolvoE.pdf I can email you a copy if you want.
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