I fitted a map sensor onto the wires i had pushed into the ecu plug[It had the wrong readings for atmospheric pressure but cleared the code]
I advised the garage to order the correct sensor for a 2004 car and also sourced a ecu multiplug from the breakers and removed some wires out of it.
At that point i went on holiday thinking they should be able to fix it from there.
I asked them today how they had got on and the car had not come back to be repaired correctly.
[ If you call having the wrong software in the ecu a correct repair.]
I have since code read a Saab 93 2.0 2006 Which didn't have a atmospheric sensor fitted and the live data showed a pid at 38kpa but no fault code.
So the software must not be looking for it.
So if anybody comes across this car i did what i did to prove the fault it wasn't meant to be a fix.
Regards Ian.
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