Re: Vauxhall/Astra/2001/1.8/X18XE1 Archived Message
Posted by Nigel Bennett on August 28, 2008, 8:30 pm, in reply to "Re: Vauxhall/Astra/2001/1.8/X18XE1"
Hi James . 6 volt is the output of the Maf not the yellow earth wire ,that shows less than 50 mv. So far I have had the software re flashed with the latest version,cam timing checked,injector are out and on the Asnu ,so far they look OK. Now running out of a direction to look in after this! As you look at the live data the o2 sensor switches ,the integrator appears to be learning until it reaches 64 then the 02 sensor bottoms out (rich )the integrator flat lines and the co rises ? injector time doesn't seem to able to go any lower than 3.1 ms . Has anyone got some reliable data for Maf volts /GSm & injector times for this system ?