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    Re: Jeep cherokee /1999/4.0 litre/ Archived Message

    Posted by Paul Foster on September 18, 2008, 5:19 pm, in reply to "Re: Jeep cherokee /1999/4.0 litre/"

    When You've resolved your ignition feed I would point you in the direction of the cam position sensor (located where the distributor was on earliern models - on the engine block just next to the oil filter housing).

    They are Hall type sensors so are easy to check. The ECU looks for the signal while cranking but, once the cam position has been etablished, is not used to keep the engine running. The signal from the crank sensor is very difficult to see - you really need to scope it as there are only a couple of reference points on the flywheel.

    Please note that the new sensors come with a circle of cardboard stuck to the end. This is so the sensor doesn't touch the flywheel due to an insufficient air gap. The disc gets knocked off when the engine turns over (very high tech!).

    I only reason I post this is so, if you remove the sensor and replace it, you can fabricate a similar disc and not damage the sensor.

    Hope that's useful info. - Paul.

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