Re: happy fun tuesday,
Good morning all. Bung, you will need to choose your routes carefully if you're driving north any time soon. A lot of roads have been washed away. It's just mind blowing to see all the damage at Asheville and some of those other places. Feel so bad for those folks. Grass mowers came today as wet as our grass was but they managed to get the job done. I'm hoping that's the last time this year but I doubt it. Anyone know where I can score a good deal on some chicken breasts? They've been pretty high lately. I don't buy Tyson chicken anymore because they even said they have no problem hiring illegal aliens. I don't think it's smart to encourage more of them to keep coming here to this country. But I guess we shouldn't be too concerned. Kamala said she will fix the border. Yeah, right. Y'all have a blessed day and don't forget to thank the Lord that we've all been spared to spend another day on this pretty world He's created.