I woke up counting all our ⏰️ clocks in my head this morning.
It takes me a bit to change them all.
How is everybody this morning?
I am by myself since hubby is gone on a bike camping with friends.
He got a late start because of the funeral for our Aunt Shirley yesterday evening, but he will still have today and tomorrow morning to ride.
He is trying something new: bought an air mattress thingy that inflates and fills the back floorboard and over the back seat of his truck.
The campground loop where his reservation is does not allow tents, and we are camper-less right now.
I haven't talked to him yet, so not sure how he slept, if at all!
Well, gonna call Mama and Mother-in-law, then get dressed.
I am worried about RM being scarce last day or so, I hope he hasn't had a Fall or something.
Check in, everybody!